
2024 Q1


Last quarter, we took a closer look at the steel and metalworking industry. In this issue of the Industrials sector report, we would like to focus on technical building equipment suppliers, a growing sector that is characterized by its diverse areas of application and its essential role in the design and modernization of buildings.

The German economy is currently facing various challenges. Despite a general slowdown in economic growth, influenced by uncertainties at a global level and internal structural adjustments, the technical building equipment sector remains robust. Investments in sustainable and energy-efficient technologies are driving the sector forward. Government funding programmes to modernize infrastructures and a growing awareness of ecological construction methods continue to support this trend.

Significant transactions such as the acquisition of Viessmann Climate Solutions SE by Carrier Global Corp. and numerous deals by Lindab International AB and Caverion Corp. confirm the interest of investors in the market. Another recent transaction is the takeover of the planning and engineering office Waidhas GmbH by Gruner Deutschland GmbH, which was accompanied by Transfer Partners.

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Overall, the dynamic development in the technical building services sector shows that, despite economic challenges, significant investments and strategic acquisitions continue to be strongly represented. This speaks for the continued resilience and attractiveness of the sector in current and future markets. Investors are increasingly recognizing the importance of technical building equipment as an essential component of sustainable development strategies and the modernization of existing infrastructures.

This edition of the Industrials Sector Report will provide you with an overview of recent transactions.

Our SektorReports are available in German language. If you have further questions regarding this topic, feel free to get in touch.