
2022 Q3


The industry is still caught between high energy and raw material prices, staff shortages and supply chain problems. The order books of many machine and plant manufacturers are very full, but the factors mentioned are missing to be able to produce and deliver the goods. This has a negative impact on business development, which can be seen in the growing underperformance of the DAX Machinery compared to the DAX 40.

The M&A market also continues to move at a similarly low level as in the previous quarters. In practice, we currently see mainly strategic investors using low valuations to acquire synergistic targets.

The main topic of this quarter's Sector Reports is our recently completed deal of the sale of Dietz-motoren GmbH & Co. KG to Deutsche Elektromotoren Holding GmbH, which we would like to cover in detail.

-- card deal ---

Our SektorReports are available in German language. If you have further questions regarding this topic, feel free to get in touch.